Spring Comes Again. As winter fades, spring inevitably returns. Vibrant blossoms burst into full bloom, and the air fills with the delicate scent of the season. Just as the cycle of nature continues, so too does the flow of our lives.
The flowers blooming on hanji each reveal their own presence. No flower blooms without enduring time and trials. Only after withstanding the wind and rain do the buds finally emerge, unfolding into their full beauty.
There are days when the sky turns gray, when cold winds sweep through, and when storms seem unrelenting. Yet, in time, they all pass. And when spring arrives once more, under the warmth of the sun, we too begin anew.
Like the lingering chill awakening the body, uncertainty and fear gradually fade away. Once caught in memories of the past, I now stand at the edge of spring, looking forward to the happiness yet to come.